Hooray for Sceince!

I’m not sure if the fault lies in someone at CSU not proof-reading, their printer, or even a prank. But it doesn’t really matter, I give ‘em props for giving out 50,000 pair of eclipse glasses. (It seems like finding them in stores is like trying to find a cabbage patch kid in the late 80s at Christmas time.) And these are the legit, NASA-certified glasses too, not some of thefake ones that have been making headlines and headaches all over the place.
Thanks to a simple typo, we can all enjoy a light-hearted ribbing of my college and people trying to pronounce, “See-I-ence” and look at the sun on Monday without searing our retinas.
Added bonus, I now have solar eclipse viewing glasses and didn’t have to shell out $20. Best typo ever.
Quick spelling lesson from Wikipedia:
“I before E, except after C” is a mnemonic rule of thumb for English spelling. If one is unsure whether a word is spelled with the sequence ei or ie, the rhyme suggests that the correct order is ie unless the preceding letter is c, in which case it is ei.