Snapchat: A love Story

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snapchat love story

fullsizerenderSo Snapchat. We should all be somewhat familiar with this app, even if you don’t use it you should know what it is. An app that you can send pictures and videos to others that disappear.  When it first started, a lot of people just knew the app as a place to send risqué pictures because they would “be gone forever”, but it has grown to so much more than that. Sure there are funny filters you can now do and save snaps, but I am here to tell you how awesome it is to get to know someone.

​I know what you are thinking, “The snaps only last for like 10 seconds! How can you get to know someone in that amount of time?” Well if you do it right, pretty quickly. If you read my last post, you know that I had some “life trouble” last year or so and it was sucky, but there is a silver lining to that story. Screw it, let’s call it a “platinum” lining because it’s that awesome and it’s all thanks to Snapchat.

Over a year ago I was sitting in my apartment in Texas when I got a random message from a friend here in Colorado that I kinda knew on Facebook asking about my life. I say “kinda knew” because we hadn’t really talked a lot. We were friends on Facebook because of my old job and we had only met a couple times but no real conversations. So she and I exchanged a few messages there before we exchanged phone numbers, then snap handles. So cheesy right? The snaps just started off with basic “oh this happened look at this” but then advanced to so much more.

We started snapping each other short videos back and forth constantly asking about pasts, fears, hopes dreams and what not. Before we knew it we were getting to know each other on a whole different level. Here I am, miles upon miles away, chatting with someone and potentially falling for someone I hadn’t really met but have had some meaningful conversations with over Snapchat of all places.

We were Snapping every day from May to when I actually moved back to Colorado in August. We started seeing each other in person, still snapping to keep the streak going, and then we started dating. I am now engaged to that person and we are planning a wedding and we still snap each other every day.

I feel like because of snapchat and being states away, I got to know my future wife on a whole different level. No BS small talk and straight to the point with everything. So Snapchat, I want to personally thank you for helping me get to know this awesome girl that I am going to have an awesome future with.

Side note: We had an epic snap streak going, except we lost it one day where we were playing video games and hanging out with each other all day. We started the streak again and are hoping we don’t forget again. #snapfail

snapchat love story

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Derek Brown

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