Atari Announces Retro Console

Derek Brown Avatar
atariThis was announced a couple weeks ago, but that doesn’t mean I am any less excited. Atari is following suit with Nintendo and doing a “relaunch” console the will have a bunch of games already included. I couldn’t be happier about it!

Personally, I may be more excited about this than the announcement of the the SNES Classic. Just look at the picture above as proof of how happy that made me as a child! (I am the one in the red shirt smiling because I am beating my cousin.) The Atari was the very first console I ever played and its where my love for video games began. Sure, the Nintendo was out at the time, but growing up we didn’t have a lot of money so I inherited my parent’s Atari. Man that thing was fun. Getting rid of that was a huge mistake.

Other than announcing it at E3, Atari hasn’t really given out details on it. I am curious to see exactly what games will be on there and the price. We do know that it will be available in black or the classic wood look. As long as the don’t put the worst game ever made *cough E.T. cough* on there, it should be worth it! Fingers crossed it comes with ‘Montezuma’s Revenge’.

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Derek Brown

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