When you were a kid and you might have had a friends who always seemed to have the coolest… Sometimes CGI effects can be mind-blowing, other times they look like bad computer game graphics. Sometimes practical effects add…
Movies we loved as children resonated with us because we could identify with the stories. But what would we have… Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness hit theatres and Derek and Beano each saw it opening weekend, but… Characters that go through redemption arcs are common in TV and movies, but there are some character arcs that… Check out some of the amazing cosplay and costumes we saw at Colorado Anime Fest 2022 in this cosplay… Ska music. Where did it come from? Why did it get so popular in the 1990s an dearly 2000s?… Wicked West Comic Expo happened over the weekend. We were there, cameras in hand, to capture some of the… Today, we're spoiled by 2-day, 1-day, overnight, and within-the-hour shipping options. Back in the day when we ordered something… With the upcoming release of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge, and the release of the Cowabunga Collection, we… Join us on a trip down memory lane where Derek's memories of buttered bread (that's a thing?) led us… This week we shine the Get Geekish spotlight on one of our favorite bands, Bowling for Soup! (Who, coincidentally,…