Today, we’re spoiled by 2-day, 1-day, overnight, and within-the-hour shipping options. Back in the day when we ordered something in the mail, it generally meant 6-8 weeks of waiting. From saving of cereal box tops to mail in for prizes, to ordering 15 CDs for a penny, the wait times we had to endure required a lot of patience, and often led to a lot of disappointment. What’s the best/worst thing you checked your mailbox incessantly for as a kid?
One thing I remember being super excited about was a purple and silver insulated Trix water bottle. I saved up something like 8 proofs of purchase and sent out a letter to order my reward. A few months later it finally showed up. It leaked. It smelled funny. I think I used it three times and threw it in the trash.(Curse you General Mills!)
I wonder if BMG and/or Columbia House have the actual numbers of people that never paid for their free albums?

Cereal Box Prizes from the 1970s and 1980s [FLASHBAK]
Mail Order Memories [CHEAPISM]
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