Cosplayer of the Week – HMTWolf
We ran into hmtwolf atDenver Comic Conwhen he was dressed as Gambit, the Ragin’ Cajun, which he made and/or altered himself. He crafted the armor and boots from scratch and layered, altered, and colored the suit .
Check out some of the detail on his chest piece and the fx makeup techniques he used to paint the armor.
If cosplay makes you happy, and you are ready to put your heart into it…It does not matter if you buy it or make it, just be you, be proud, and express what brings you joy.
What’s in the near future for htmwolf? He plans to add a few more details to his Gambit, possibly making a Magneto, and he also has a surprise masterpiece in the works that we’ll all just have to wait and see…
Want to see more of him?Follow hmtwolf on Instagram.