Dear Bungie: Thank You

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destiny_screengrabDear Bungie,

I have been wanting to write this for some time now, I just hadn’t really had the courage. A little over a year ago I decided to try a big change in my life where I would leave my home state, my friends, my family and everything I know to try something new. I moved to Texas with my wife of two years and after being there a month, she decided that I was no longer the one for her. It escalated rather quickly.

There I was, alone in a state that was miles and miles away from the ones that cared and were concerned about me. I could have moved back to Colorado, but I at least wanted to see what I could do.  Being that far, stuck in that situation, sucked extremely bad. My friends knew how bad I was hurting and knew the only way we could “hang out” was via Xbox. One of my friends had been pushing me to play ‘Destiny’ and I had fought for the longest time to not play it because I had no interest in it, no offense. But, when a friend buys you the game and ships it to your apartment and says get online to play it, you kind of have to. I was wrong about that game.

​I started with a human hunter and joined my friend online and honestly the rest is history. I immersed myself in the game, created other characters and was taken away. I was able to keep my sanity, connect with my friends and heal all thanks to a video game and the internet.
I know that there are people out there that have gone through way worse than I have, but I want you to know how you helped me. Thank you very much for being the ghost to lead me through the dark.

Eyes up guardian,

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Derek Brown

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