
FanExpo Denver 2021 Cosplay Music Video

It’s good to be back amongst the cosplayers. It’s good to be back around the superfans, the nerds, the geeks, the pop-culture aficionados, and all the folks that make conventions worth going to. We were able to enjoy FanExpo Denver’s 2021 Special Edition over the Halloween weekend, and the costumers and cosplayers did not disappoint! Fans of all ages and all types were dressed to the nines in celebration of their favorite (mostly) fictional characters and we got to capture a handful of them on video. We hope you enjoy!

FanExpo Denver, formerly Denver Pop Culture Con, formerly Denver Comic Con, made it’s triumphant return to the Colorado convention center for a 75% capacity event. The costumes you saw in our video are just a taste of how many great cosplayers there were. Thank you to everyone who took a few moments to be a part of it, and apologies to those would couldn’t get (or then one we did get, but the footage didn’t turn out for). I’ll be trying to tag as many of the cosplayers as I can on social media, so please let use know if you recognize anyone so we can give them the proper accolades for their work.

Can’t wait to see you at the next con!

You can already plan ahead, FanExpo Denver has already announced the dates of July 1-3, 2022 for their next convention!

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