Fort Collins Comic Con 2018 Recap, Photos, and Video

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Fort Collins Comic Con 2018 was all the flavor of last year with some new spices.  Get Geekish attended on Saturday and ate good food, took a lot of photos, got slimed, and had a ton of fun. Check out our cosplay photos and thoughts about this year’s con.

The vendor area was spacious and had a great variety of wares, the cosplay catwalk showed off lots of great costumes, and the panels were numerous and varied.  Although I missed it, the concert at the Aggie and the events at the Lyric sounded super fun. The kids area had the Fort Collins Ghost Busters who are always a hoot. We actually did our first panel ever on how to pose for cosplay photos and video.

Some great things were added this year.  There was variety of games in the gaming area and more guests.  I must say, FC3 takes feedback from people quite well and does make changes year to year within their ability.  Last year, we waited forever to get food since there were so few options and long lines of people waiting.  This year, we partook in the deliciousness of a larger quantity and variety of food trucks such as:

Most of my complaints about the con are things outside of FC3s control. Parking is always a bit of a trick, but I got there a half an hour after the con opened and got to park in one of the close lots (actually I got the last space).  While space is utilized quite resourcefully, it’s still a bit crowded of a venue.

I’m looking forward to next year, and I can’t wait for all the other events throughout the year that FC3 puts on such as the Kessel Run and Harry Potter Bash.

My favorite part of any con is seeing all the great costumes. For those of you who couldn’t make it, or are wanting to relive it, we took some photos and video we hope you enjoy.

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