GetbGeekish Business Card Game

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Overview: The Geekish Business Card Game is a game celebrating different fandoms and things that we get geekish about. Play this game while waiting in line for a panel at a con, while waiting for your favorite episode to download, while waiting to catch them all, or any time you find yourself between geekish activities and need a geekish fix. Each card has a nod to something geekish. See if you can get the geekish reference on each card. If you have ideas for our next cards, email Get Geekish and submit whatever fandom you would like to see represented in our next business card.

Players: 2 or more players. You will need 10 or more cards (you can have multiples of each card) for each player that joins the game. For example, for 3 people to play, you will need 30 cards, for 4 people, you will need 40 cards. Cards can be acquired at any event where GetGeekish is present, or by ordering them on!

Time: Game play time depends on the number of players and the types of cards in play.

Setup: Shuffle the deck. Lay all cards face down in a pile in the middle of the table. The discard pile will be to the right of the deck.

How to play: The first person to name the most characters in any named franchise in 10 seconds gets to go first. The first player draws a card and executes the instructions on the card. Then, the next player draws a card and does what that card says. Keep all point scoring cards and lay them face up on the table. Any cards that are not scoring, go into a discard pile. When all cards are played, if no player has won, shuffle the discard pile and put it back into the draw pile. The first player to reach 50 points wins the game.

Variation: It’s opposite day. Do the opposite of whatever each card tells you.

getgeekishbusinesscard8-bit-ish card

business card back







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