‘The Hitman’s Bodyguard’ Review

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What happens when you put Ryan Reynolds and Sam Jackson in a movie together? Magic, and a ton of f-bombs.
We saw the movie last week, but due to life and what not, I hadn’t had time to throw up the review. So here it is, short, sweet and to the point. It’s a fun movie.

Ok, I will give you a little more to go off of than that. Some of the marketing that I have seen boasts “Deadpool and Nick Fury in the same movie.”, which is kind of right but not really. While Reynolds is extremely sarcastic in the film, he’s not really Deadpool in the film especially when his motto is “boring is best.”, or something along those lines. As for Nick Fury, I can see that if Nick Fury was more violent than he normally is and curses like a drunken sailor in a bar fight.

Some reviews are tearing this movie apart and I am not sure what they were expecting. Its a movie filled with ify plot points, predictable action and an ok story. What you really watch the movie for is Reynolds and Jackson riffing off of each other. I am sure that there was a lot of fun that was had on the set. Is basically a fun buddy movie. If you go in expecting Deadpool and Fury, you will be disappointed. If you go in with low expectations and know you are going to get some laughs, then you will enjoy the film.

On a side note, I am pretty sure this film may break the record for the most f-bombs. I tried to keep track but lost count 15 min in.

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Derek Brown

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