Categories: Conventions

Nan Desu Kan Announces It WILL Happen In 2021

Nan Desu Kan (NDK) will be happening at the Gaylord Rockies Resort September 3-5, 2021. Anime fans and con-goers who have been suffering through some major con withdrawal got some welcome news after the Rocky Mountain Anime Association posted an announcement that NDK is still on the schedule for 2021.

They say that they are planning to hold NDK, with significant safety and health precautions and will still include all of the expected events with a “socially distanced and well-organized twist.”

This news comes as a surprise to some as the nearby Denver Pop Culture Con, as well as some of the biggest cons in the nation like San Diego Comic Con, Sakura-Con, and Anime Boston have already cancelled their 2021 events. However, there are some other big name cons that (as of writing this) still have their 2021 events planned, such as Anime NYC, Otakon, FanX Salt Lake, and Anime Matsuri.

Now, before you get too excited, keep in mind that NDK and these other cons might have to change their plans. Putting on conventions takes a lot of planning and a lot of work, and COVID-19 has wrought havoc on all kinds of events and gatherings. The people running most of these conventions probably want them to happen even more than you do, but safety of guests, vendors, workers, and the community in general is still way more important than getting to have a good time at a con.

There has also been some good news on the COVID-19 front as President Biden announced that he believes we will have enough vaccine supply for all adults in America by the end of May If that pans out and the vaccines work out that way we hope they do, then having face to face events in the fall certainly seems much more realistic.

I have to admit, I was a little skeptical when I saw the NDK announcement, partly because I am still not in a place where I want to be around crowds of people again, despite how much I miss being at those kinds of events. However, after glancing through their FAQ, it seems like they are trying to go about this is the safest and most equitable way they can.

Fingers crossed that we can all get together and make some anime memories again, maybe even as early as later this year! And if not, we’ll look forward to 2022.

Here’s a little throwback to NDK 2019 and the video we made.


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