What is Zombie Fest? It’s an entire day/night of activities including: a Zombie Crawl, a Kidz Krawl, a DJ, music, restaurants, ice cream, pubs, costumes, flaming entertainers, a Thriller dance, on-site makeup, and more. Basically, thousand of people get slopped up in their best zombie attire and roam old town Fort Collins enjoying the entertainment and imbibing food and drinks (and brains) of their choice.Click here to see the full list of crawl stops and entertainment.If you’re looking for an excuse to dress up, this is it. Bloody up one of your cosplays, come as a zombie hunter, just douse yourself in blood and torn up clothes. The people, er…zombie watching in Old Town is to die for. (See last year’s photosat the bottom of this post)
Best of all, these Zombie shenanigans are all for a good cause because the Old Town Halloween Zombie Fest support children and youth programs atTurning Point. Turning Point’s mission to help youth and families struggling with behavior, mental health and substance abuse issues.We’ve been going to Zombie Fest since its inception and are proud to be a part of the event. We’d love to see you there, come take a photo with us. (I won’t give away our costumes yet, but I can tell that I’m sure the phrase, “I’m Zombie Rick,” will probably come up at least a few times…
Need some zombie inspiration? Here are some of our past zombifications:
Need tickets? Get them at the event, orget them online,they start at just $15. (You can even pay to have someone else do your zombie makeup.) We’ll see YOU atOld Town Halloween Zombie Fest! |