Sneaky Zebra’s SDCC 2017 Cosplay Music Video

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sdcc2017 sneaky zebra

Sneaky Zebra is at it again with another cosplay music video from the mother of all cons…San Diego Comic Con. As EB blogged about a few weeks ago, we may be slightly addicted to cosplay music videos. We often find ourselves hours-deep in YouTube playlists admiring other people’s handiwork. Sneaky Zebra is pretty consistently creating amazing cosplay music videos from all over the world and today they released their work from the 2017 San Diego Comic Con. Enjoy!

(The song they used in this one was “The Wild Life” by Outasight, solid choice.) 

The Bill Lumbergh from Office Space and the Yandu Mary Poppins both brought big smiles to my face. What were some of your favorite costumes in this one?

One of the great things about videos like this, is it gives all of us schlubs who’ve never set foot near SDCC, a chance to get a glimpse of what some of the costumes and the scenery are like. Sneaky Zebra and other amazing video makers give the rest of the world a chance to see cons that are thousands of miles away, and a chance to see costumes and cosplayers that we might not ever otherwise see.

So, to cosplay video makers all over the world…thank you. This is the next best thing to being there for us.

If you like what Sneaky Zebra does, here’s where they are on social media:

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