Arya, being her bad-ass self, used her Faceless Men skills to not only kill off Walder Frey (last season) but continued by killing the entire House of Frey by poisoning the wine! “The north remembers – tell them winter came for House Frey”. Now she’s headed towards Kings Landing with a plan to provide Cersei her end. So much for the Stark family reunion – bummer.Side note: anyone else get excited to see Ed Sheeran? I know I did!
We also got to see how well Jon Snow is at being the King of the North, even though Sansa is undermining him in front of the North. After a typical sibling argument (we’ve all been there, Jon), they come to an agreement on how to move forward. Little finger lingering behind waiting for his reward for saving them – my guess is Sansa’s hand in marriage. Poor girl can’t seem to catch a break.
House Lannister
Cersei is as crazy as ever. She is on a mission, a mission to kill pretty much everyone who gets in her way. Since losing all of her children, she’s driving the crazy bus and her lover-boyfriend reluctantly riding along. She realizes she needs a strong ally and requests to meet with Euron Greyjoy. Remember him? The Uncle who killed his brother and attempted to kill his niece and nephew. Euron offer’s Cersei his fleet of ships in return for her hand in marriage which she denies as he is not trustworthy. He says he will return to Kings Landing with a gift – I can’t help but wonder if the gift will be Tyrion.
White Walkers
We saw a glimpse of them walking towards the wall with no stopping in sight. Both Bran and The Hound have seen the imminent war, but how will we fight them?
Samwell Tarly is living the dream as a Maester-in-training, or is he? We see him cleaning a mass amount of bed pans (gagging), serving food that looks like the products in bed pans (gross), putting away books and looking completely miserable. Frustrated at the lack of information, he decides to “borrow” the keys to the restricted section and read up on White Walkers. After finding some important information on where to find dragonglass under a mountain in Dragonstone, he writes his BFF Jon Snow to keep him in the know. We also got a glimpse of our favorite friend-zone character Jorah Mormont and his greyscale covered arm.
House Targaryen
After a long journey, Daenerys has finally come home to Dragonstone. I can’t help but wonder why this castle is completely deserted – perhaps they’ll touch on that on a later date. She walks through the front doors, past the throne and straight into the counsel room. The episode ends with Daenerys saying “Shall we begin?” And begin we shall!
What are your thoughts with where the show is headed? Who will rule the seven kingdoms?